Episode 04: How to Prevent Recurrent Plugged Ducts


This week we are continuing to talk about plugged ducts. In this episode we are discussing how you can keep plugged ducts from becoming a chronic issue.

You should focus on 5 things to keep plugged ducts from being a reoccurring issue: 

  • Don’t wear underwire bras (until you are done nursing)

  • Don’t go too long without nursing. (Stay on your typical nursing schedule and if you have to skip a nursing session then try to express milk as soon as you can by pumping or hand expression)

  • Switch up your nursing position at least once a day 

  • Hand express for 30 seconds after you pump, every time that you pump!

  • Try to manage oversupply issues

According to KellyMom.com a plugged duct is: “An area of the breast where milk flow is obstructed.”

What causes them:

  • Failure to remove milk

  • Going too long in between nursing sessions

  • Pressure on the area (example: wearing an underwire bra)

If you are getting recurrent plugged ducts, I recommend seeing a Lactation Consultant, specifically an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), in addition to the recommendations below: 

Don’t wear underwire bras (while you are nursing)

  • Obvious advice that you hear a lot of places

  • Why risk it? Wear a nursing bra without instead!

  • First plug i got was after i wore an underwire bra

Don’t go too long without nursing. 

  • Clogged ducts are caused by the failure to remove milk from your boob

  • Makes sense that going to long will cause a clog

  • Stay on a nursing schedule

    • If you nurse on demand, which is what i recommend, don’t deviate from your routine too much

    • Express by hand or with pump if you are in a situation where you have to skip a feeding

    • Or nurse ASAP after a skipped feeding

  • Also, don’t cut your nursing sessions too short

  • If you get milk flowing and then stop the flow before your boob has been adequately drained it can cause a clog

  • Keep track with the Sprout app

  • Try to nurse for at least 5 minutes each side

Switch up your nursing position at least once a day (if you typically do cross-cradle, then for one daily session do the football hold)

  • It stimulates different milk ducts

  • Made a big difference for me 

    • A lactation consultant helped me figure this out

  •  Remind yourself to change it up once per day

Hand express for 30 seconds after you pump, every time that you pump!

Oversupply issue

To recap, to prevent plugged ducts from reoccurring: 

  • Don’t wear underwire bras while nursing

  • Don’t go too long without nursing. And don’t cut your nursing sessions too short

  • Switch up your nursing position at least once a day

  • Hand express for 30 seconds after you pump

  • Try to manage oversupply issues

Thank you for listening!


Episode 05: How to Cope with Prodromal Labor


Episode 03: How to Unplug a Plugged Milk Duct