Episode 120 - Birth, Postpartum and Voting for Abortion Rights - Interview with Emily Tisch Sussman

Thank you so much for listening. In today’s show we are going to be talking about why it is so important to vote in the midterm elections in the US, and how  you can do it even if you are a postpartum mom. Our guest to talk about this is Emily Tisch Sussman is a podcast host, women’s empowerment and family policy advocate, leading democratic political strategist, contributor to Marie Claire and Parents,  and mother of three. She  has made over 250 appearances on MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, HLN, and CBS. Season 2 of her podcast She Pivots is set to release in Spring of 2023.

In this episode we discuss: 

  • Emily’s story of having 3 kids, close together and how it impacted her career as a political strategist

  • Why it is so important to vote in this midterm election

  • The decisions about women’s healthcare that are on the ballot

  • How difficult it is for a parent, especially a mom, to vote while they are postpartum or have little kids

  • Resources to help you get out and vote:

How to follow Emily: 


Episode 121 - Affordable and Accessible Speech Therapy - Interview with Lenora Edwards


Episode 119: What is Postpartum Psychosis: Interview with Megan MacCutcheon