Episode 75: Journey through Pregnancy Loss: Interview with Lisa Anderson Shaffer

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In today’s episode, I had the honor of interviewing a fellow podcaster and new friend, Lisa Anderson Shaffer. Lisa is an artist, psychotherapist and mental health advocate and educator. She is author of the book, These Three Things - a daily writing meditation journal, and host of the psychologically minded podcast, Joy is Now. Outside of her work in the wellness and mental health realm, Lisa is the Founder and CEO of the jewelry brand, Zelma Rose, creating sustainably handcrafted, exquisitely refined statement jewelry.

Today Lisa shares her very personal story about going to multiple miscarriages and how she navigated that journey on her way to motherhood. Thank you so much for listening to this really important episode.

How to get in touch with Lisa: 


Episode 76: Webster Technique: Interview with Dr. Pam Stone


Episode 74: Interview with The Tired Dad - Jon Gustin